You can get insanely far in your career by simply connecting people.
I don’t mean in the networking sense; that shit needs to crumble—people worth networking with don’t go to networking events.
I mean forming the connections your company needs to thrive. Moving information from one person to another. Joining ideas in one area to a problem in another.
Rituals and process create structure, but real connections happen when someone scans the noise, filters what matters, and shares it with the right people.
You might be a connector if you often say:
- “You need to speak to…”
- “Have you heard about…”
- “Did you see the demo on…”
Not everyone needs to be a connector. It takes energy and time to gather and maintain day-to-day context to do it effectively. Instead, seek them out; those conversations will be high leverage. Feed them information; it guarantees a recurring meeting.
Information wants to be free, but connectors pay the price. Be one. Or find one.