Type 8w9 INTJ with ENTP tendencies when it suits the mission, aka a candid leader who can adapt to the situation.
I value precision, ambition, and speed. My default mode is progress over perfection.
I'm highly responsive on Slack – @Murdo.
I expect a lot from myself—and from everyone I work with.
I let my imposter syndrome motivate me to learn and grow.
If you’re on my team, I trust that you hold yourself to similarly high standards. But I will verify it.
Winning matters to me, and I believe winning means moving forward—even if the steps are small.
Done beats perfect, but “done” should never compromise quality.
If it feels like we’re stagnating, let’s address it ASAP.
I default to action more than the average person.
I’ll write the first draft, gather the relevant people, or make a quick decision—whatever we need to move forward.
I expect you to make decisions without me and be accountable for actions.
If you come to me, I’ll usually put it back on you with “What do you want to do?” and help you decide. If it’s a new space for you, I’ll help navigate the options.
You should know your actions and when they are due, and I trust you to get them done.
Work Philosophy
People grow most during unreasonable timeframes in stretch domains.
I’ll push you because I want to see you thrive.
I believe you can always surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.
Be a solution finder, not a problem explainer.
Everyone’s job description is fundamentally “solve problems.”
If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate. DM, email, or call me, and we’ll fix it together.
I prefer clarity over formality. Be concise, but don’t sacrifice precision.
Assume I skim—get to the point fast.
I value structured, well-written documents over endless discussions.
Debate is not conflict. Strong opinions, weakly held, are a superpower.
I will challenge you, it may seem aggressive. It’s never personal.
I will state extreme opinions, mostly so we can tease out why that can't be the case.
If you think I’m wrong, prove it—I want to be convinced.
Feedback is a gift. Give examples.
Give it freely and without hesitation. I thrive on it.
Expect me to do the same for you. It’s how we get better.
Context is key. We all have a shared responsibility to inform others.
I consume a high rate of information and excel at moving it around an organization.
But I can't do it alone; good communication is a form of leverage.
Leadership Style
I see my role as a blocker remover and an accelerator for your success.
If you don’t tell me, I can’t help you. Speak up.
I'm good at synthesizing and structuring concepts; use me for that.
I trust you to be an expert, learn fast, and deliver results.
I’ll get into the weeds with you but expect you to own the outcomes.
If I override your call, it’s not a lack of trust—it’s about context or priorities. I will provide the why.
I value initiative.
You can build trust with me by showing you're action-oriented.
Identify the first, second, and third order effects of something, then do something about it.
I build spaces where teams can thrive.
I’m not prescriptive about how we do things, but I am about the outcomes we need to achieve.
I trust my team’s intuition for solutions. We sharpen ideas together.
Work is my idea of fun, but work should also be fun.
I dislike being told what to do.
Rules are guidelines, not absolutes—unless they’re really good rules.
If you need me to do something, I'll need to see your logic. Expect debate.
It’s okay to fail—but fail forward.
Mistakes are opportunities for growth, not a reason to panic.
Data-informed > data-driven.
I like objectivity but need the context behind the numbers.
Often our intuition is quicker, cheaper, and more reliable than pursuing the data though.