Type 8w9 INTJ with ENTP tendencies when it suits the mission, aka a candid leader who can adapt to the situation.

I value precision, ambition, and speed. My default mode is progress over perfection.

I'm highly responsive on Slack – @Murdo.


I expect a lot from myself—and from everyone I work with.

Winning matters to me, and I believe winning means moving forward—even if the steps are small.

I default to action more than the average person.

I expect you to make decisions without me and be accountable for actions.

Work Philosophy

People grow most during unreasonable timeframes in stretch domains.

Be a solution finder, not a problem explainer.


I prefer clarity over formality. Be concise, but don’t sacrifice precision.

Debate is not conflict. Strong opinions, weakly held, are a superpower.

Feedback is a gift. Give examples.

Context is key. We all have a shared responsibility to inform others.

Leadership Style

I see my role as a blocker remover and an accelerator for your success.

I trust you to be an expert, learn fast, and deliver results.

I value initiative.

I build spaces where teams can thrive.


I dislike being told what to do.

It’s okay to fail—but fail forward.

Data-informed > data-driven.